Monday morning @ 10:10 am.

I’m still quite tired today but thank goodness not as tired as I figured I would be while I was tossing and turning during most of the night.  I didn’t have a lot of time to recover over the weekend. I can’t quite remember what happened the past 10 days .. oh.. other than i lost last weekend due to my mom … i worked half day monday and went to finish some errands that i was suppose to get done over the weekend. I camped at my desk all week at work going thru manuals and getting myself more familiar with this ruggedcom switch … i was put to the task to deal with network traffic issues! and to set up switches for the various network…. ahhh.. yeh… *shaking my head* lol. on tuesday i tried to setup a bachelor party for like 5 days later! i had a week’s of notice to get a mani/pedi.. perhaps a spa, supper and movies thing going for 8 invitees. i seriously don’t mind organizing stuff but this one was a bit nutty.. because before i had time to check everyone’s schedule.. i had to find a place to fit 8 people for mani/pedi at once.. for 5 days later… of course during my call i also tried to find out each company’s schedule/opening spots so if the attendees were less than 8 people. it’s not so bad if most of the companies would have kept their "what!? you are calling me for a mani/pedi and perhaps a spa for 8 people for this weekend?! you should have called weeks if not a month or two ago @@" .. that was definitely not called for. so that really definitely placed me in a foul mood and stressing me out too. at least sat went ok.. there were some hiccups.. but stuff i couldn’t do much about i guess. lol.. i didn’t forsee myself getting sick from the philly-cheese steak sandwich i ordered at moxies. oh well. one gal didn’t show up @@ ..  i can now let go of the situation cuz i really think i did my best with what i had to work with…

my mission impossible task as my hubby calls it (which is to clean up the study room.. it was a mess after i was looking and putting stuff together for income taxes… then because i had to clean up the guest room that still had unpacked stuff in boxes! most of the stuff was moved into the study room. also! we got new drawers in our room so the old ones was moved around too…… lol.. so the study room was a disaster zone). my hubby called it mission impossible because he had no idea where to start or what to do with stuff! i must have started on it 10 days ago? i remember staying up until 1ish or so cleaning up and shreding papers…  but anyways.. both rooms are almost done. beds are in, bedsheets are in.. just gotta tidy up the pile of binders and books on a desk. got rid of a "bookcase" so all that stuff must go somewhere…   hangers are in 😀 it’s really really looking like a super tidy room! same with my walkin closet… ever since we got a new drawer chest thingy into the walkin closet and reshuffling of the other drawer thingies..  i didn’t have room to stand inside the walkin to sort my clothes!!! 

a few funny things happened over the weekend..  well the first one was my hubby spending an afternoon with my bro/gf/mom without me..  wasn’t planning on it but my bro was going to the bank and felt a better piece of mind if al was there (few nights ago we gave him a lecture on banks and lawyers already!) whichever…. i don’t know how al could remain so calm.. if i was there i think i would have coughed up blood! 
another one is that sunday "morning" i thought it would be sweet of me if i made him a cup of espresso (yeh….. gave in and got an all-metal exterior espresso machine.. the first one we got was defective and the half metal/half plastic didn’t feel as nice too!) … i figured it was just like the coffee machine we have – where it stops brewing by itself! so i managed to figure everything out… got the coffee into the filter correctly, had the machine heating up the water and ready to go.. and switched the knob from standby to espresso..  i did remember to put a cup there too! actually i used a mug.. so i figured i’ll let it run (assumed it will stop after it makes 2 cups of espresso) while i played a bit of blitz.. lol. soon after al comes charging into the kitchen and stops the machine.. asked me what was i doing.. and i asked him what was he doing! then i looked.. omg.. the mug was full and it overflowed to the tray and that was filled up too!!! any second later it would have poured over onto the floor!!!! i could have flooded the kitchen -_-" and so i was cleaning up the mess and stuff and scotched my finger with hot runned down espresso @@ .. lol.. i really felt i was a klutz! nevertheless.. coffee was made at the end. phew!

the other thing was …as we were driving home – we had to drop off some stuff at my mom’s and i asked if i had the choice to stay inside the car.. i was suddenly feeling a drop of energy and discomfort.. so i stayed in the car.. within 5 min we were home and i felt like i was going to drop down and sleep…  and so i was ushered to go do so leaving the flowers on the kitchen table.. at that time i didn’t even think about sticking the flowers into water before i went upstairs.. though i did managed to start the washer machine and added detergent before doing so of course.. plop~ i was in bed.. i literally just dropped and started sleeping the way i dropped down onto the blankets. the next time i knew was i was getting poked to move off the blankets and to get into the blankets.. and i was speaking in my alien language.. lol. about 2 hours later i was woken up or did i wake up? it was 6 pm then and i was feeling kinda hungry and definitely still dehydrated.. i think i had another small msg attack along with nap attack.. 

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