is it zzz time yet?

2:26 pm and i just got an email – spam email!
i am trying really hard not to fall asleep right now. it’s not too bad compared to yesterday? or was it monday? where i had my eyes closed while i was sitting here.. and then i had my forehead down on my desk for a bit. hee. 
the stupid non-stop changing of the network is driving me nuts. well.. ya.. i think i got to the bottom of it so it should be ok for now. which reminds me that i gotta send out a change instruction right now…
ok, i’m back and just 2 more hours of work then i can go home and stick my feet up on the foot stool while i camouflage into the living room. no, i didn’t send out that change instruction – why? well because soon after i started writing it up, i realized there are more parts missing and needs to be added on the instruction thingy…… i better run it by my boss.. lol.. or talk to higher ups first. 

so apparently i have unconsciously joined the dumeeism religion. lol… where i do my confessions or share my sins? (whatever it is called) on a regular basis.. hahaha..

so i won’t be on shift work next week… but still working on saturdays i guess. my poor mini b.. undergoing stress at t-3 months…. i hope lil b will good and fit though! it’s always such a relief when lil b moves around telling me everything is ok.. or at least that is what i hope. 

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