ng hoi sum

So how was my xmas holiday. It went by quick. I ended up taking most of the days off instead of coming into work.. but I was worried about work so that didn’t help. There were definitely ups and downs… been shaky here and there. One day happy and the next day I can be totally bombarded. I went on a pretty bad shopping spree in December.. it’s ok being broke again I guess. And most of the stuff was before boxing day!  I didn’t have much left to buy on boxing day except for an xmas tree 😀 and yep.. I put up a lil cute 4.5” xmas tree on boxing day and it’s going to stay up until Chinese new year (my bro did the same cuz my mom threw out our big xmas tree a few years ago).. I tell you.. xmas is not the same without an decent size free standing xmas tree. At first I was using the small little one I made 2 years ago.. the year where I broke my back. Well I threw out that tree now cuz I think it was slightly making me sad more than happy. Cuz xmas I snazzed up a few nice dinners J man.. I love my wok and knives..  it really makes things better… efficient in the kitchen. I dissected a lobster approx 7 lbs 😀 most of it was used for hotpot .. and I took a portion of it and made chinky style ginger onion lobster and man.. it was sooo good! It was extremely close to how the restaurant makes it except I didn’t use that much oil and I didn’t have the noodles.. but the taste was “so jeng”. New years eve I snazzed up filet mignon and other stuff which turned out really really good seeing that I had to modify the recipe and not use red wine. I had also went snowboarding for the first time..  after 3 hours I had to stop cuz my body esp my back was starting to scream at me. But amazingly … besides being sore and stiff.. my back didn’t really hurt until the past 2 days..  and I’m noticeably walking faster (as I have been told by a few ppl) .. amongst all this .. I haven’t been quite happy lately and I’m having starting to have trouble suppressing it. I can feel it surfacing my face.. sigh..  Every day I’m counting down to 5 pm to go home and hide under covers for a bit before I start to either cook/eat/game/tvb. Just put together a bday gathering thing for this Sunday.. atm.. I wish I didn’t put it together .. don’t want to go out .. maybe this is going to be last one for a while

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